Weight of Your Heart Necklace


Are you like me, not one to wear your heart on your sleeve? How about around your neck?

My mom passed away a number of years ago from ovarian cancer and I deeply deeply miss her. I wanted to create something to remind me of her, something positive and lasting but not something telling or revealing. Something beautifully simple. Something I could catch a glimpse of in a passing window and smile, or reach up and touch when she crosses my mind. I made this crazy little heart, just one, just to keep my mom close. People loved it. People loved the idea behind it and they in turn would tell me about their missing someone. I made a few for close friends who had a story of a wonderful person who they wanted around their neck. A dear friend dubbed my creation Weight of Your Heart.

What’s the weight of yours? Connect your heart to your favorite cause, 10% will be donated to that charity.

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